Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

SEPTEMBER 2010 (published: 01.09.2010)

Number 2(10)

Home > Issue > Study and development of low-lactase sour-milk drinks for dietary-prophylactic purpose

UDC 663/664

Study and development of low-lactase sour-milk drinks for dietary-prophylactic purpose

Arsenyeva T.P.

The problem of wholesome nutrition of people in the Russian Federation is a paramount line of research in the frames of public policy aimed at creation of highquality new functional foods to promote prophylactic of various diseases. Nowadays a majority of population cannot use milk products as a result of increasingly spreading fermentopathy. The most frequently occurring pathology is that of a small intestine with the syndrome of deranged absorption, which is the after effect of lack or low activity of lactase ferment. According to the WHO data from 10 to 80% of people in different groups of population suffer from lactase deficiency. Owing to that, the study of developing low-lactase sour-milk drinks for dietary prophylactic purpose should be carried out.
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Keywords: The problem of wholesome nutrition of people in the Russian Federation is a paramount line of research in the frames of public policy aimed at creation of highquality new functional foods to promote prophylactic of various diseases. Nowadays a majority of population cannot use milk products as a result of increasingly spreading fermentopathy. The most frequently occurring pathology is that of a small intestine with the syndrome of deranged absorption, which is the after effect of lack or low activity of lactase ferment. According to the WHO data from 10 to 80% of people in different groups of population suffer from lactase deficiency. Owing to that, the study of developing low-lactase sour-milk drinks for dietary prophylactic purpose should be carried out.

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