Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
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2023 (published: 30.03.2023)

Number 1(55)

Home > Issue > The influence of varietal diversity on the efficiency of protein water extraction from whole flaxseeds

UDC 633.521: 664.38: 66.061

The influence of varietal diversity on the efficiency of protein water extraction from whole flaxseeds

Minevich I.E., Goncharova Agata A., Valentin I. Ushchapovsky

Currently, flaxseeds as a source of essential micronutrients and biologically active substances are considered as raw materials for the enrichment of food systems. The high content of protein in flaxseeds (18–25%) is the basis for the development of a variety of protein products. The aim of the work is to study the efficacy of water extraction of flaxseeds of different varieties to create healthy food products. The objects of the study were different varieties of flaxseeds, flaxseed cake, and flaxseeds without mucilage. The removal of mucilage from flaxseeds was carried out by water extraction with distilled water at T 50°C for 60 minutes. For the extraction, flaxseeds were washed and flaxseed cake was moistened up to a moisture content of 80%. The moistened raw materials were crushed and mixed with an extractant (0.6% NaCl solvent) in a ratio 1:10. The process of water extraction was carried out at T 40℃ for 60 minutes. The determination of the characteristics for the protein extracts isolated from different varieties of flaxseeds and flaxseed cake showed that the highest protein yield was obtained from the varieties of fiber flaxseed: 54–56%. The high protein yield can be explained by the higher protein content in the studied flaxseeds. Lower extraction efficiency from flax oilseed flax (35–44%) may point to the influence of high fat content due to the formation of protein-lipid complexes. The protein yield from flaxseed cake was 26.42%, which is explained by the low content of the water-soluble fraction of proteins in this raw material. The pre-removal of mucilage polysaccharides from flaxseeds is followed by a competitive extraction of water-soluble proteins, which reduced the yield of proteins in the following extraction (15.72 and 20.34%). Therefore, the water extraction of flaxseed raw materials is an economically affordable method for obtaining products containing protein fractions in the native state. The obtained protein extracts are a prospective basis for developing a variety of plant-based drinks with high biological value, plant based dairy products, and dry protein products.
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Keywords: flax seeds; extraction; protein; extraction efficiency; protein fractions

DOI 10.17586/2310-1164-2023-16-1-3-9

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