Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
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September 2022 (published: 30.09.2022)

Number 3(53)

Home > Issue > A recipe and quality assessment of flour oriental sweets – shaker-churek – with the use of hemp flour

UDC 664.143: 633.85

A recipe and quality assessment of flour oriental sweets – shaker-churek – with the use of hemp flour

Orlova T.V., Krasnoselova E.A., Rinatova N.R.

A recipe for flour oriental sweets shaker-churek of increased nutritional value using hemp flour has been developed. The characteristics and chemical composition of hemp flour are presented. It was revealed that hemp flour has a high protein content, which is characterized by a complete set of essential amino acids; fiber, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, micro and macro elements, which determines the prospects for its use to increase the nutritional value of flour oriental sweets. The influence of hemp flour on the baking properties of wheat flour, the quality indicators of wheat dough and the quality of ready-made flour oriental sweets was studied, their organoleptic and physico-chemical evaluation was carried out. The optimal dosage of hemp flour has been established, equal to 15% by weight of baking wheat flour, which allows maintaining optimal organoleptic and physico-chemical parameters. The influence of hemp flour on the nutritional value of flour oriental sweets has been studied. The addition of hemp flour to the recipe of flour oriental sweets increases the amount of proteins by 24.7% and changes the vitamin and mineral composition: the content of vitamin B1 increases by 22.7%, vitamin B2 – by 38.7%, vitamin B6 – by 2.1 times, vitamin B9 – by 16.8%, vitamin PP – by 22.2%, manganese – 4.2 times, zinc – 7.1 times, copper – 12.7 times, iron – 19.6 times, potassium – by 60.3%, calcium – by 2 times, phosphorus – by 2.2 times, magnesium – by 4.1 times, which together contribute to an increase in the nutritional value of the developed products. The level of satisfaction of the daily requirement for basic nutrients was calculated when using 100 g of the developed flour oriental sweets by various categories of the population. The recipe solutions presented in the paper for the production of shaker-churek flour oriental sweets using non-traditional vegetable raw materials – hemp flour can be recommended to expand the range of flour confectionery products of increased nutritional value.
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Keywords: flour confectionery; shaker-churek; recipe development; hemp flour; quality assessment; nutritional value

DOI 10.17586/2310-1164-2022-15-3-12-29

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