Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
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2021 (published: 27.09.2021)

Number 3(49)

Home > Issue > Using the enzyme Ultraflo Max to reduce phytic acid and phytates in soybeans during steeping

UDC 577.152.32:582.736

Using the enzyme Ultraflo Max to reduce phytic acid and phytates in soybeans during steeping

Chelombitkin M.A. , Barakova N.V., Baskovʦeva A.S., Nechitaylo A.V.

The effect of the Ultraflo Max enzyme dosage on moisture accumulation and phytic acid and phytate content in soybeans during steeping was studied. Soybeans treated with 0.2% hydrogen peroxide were being steeped for 48 h while aerating at an air flow of 4 dm3per minute. The content of phytic acid and phytates was determined by the modified colourimetric Wade method with a cpc­3 photometer. The experiment showed that the enzyme treated soybeans (190 units of activity per 100 g of beans) accumulated 1.18 times more moisture on the average during 2 h of steeping than the control. Enzyme dose above 190 u/100 g did not amplify the effect. While the moisture content in soy rose to similar values (62–64%) independent of whether the enzyme was added or not, the moisture uptake from steeping per time unit was higher up to 6 h. Addingthe enzymeUltraflo Max (190 u/100 g of material)aʪo provedtolowerthephyticacidandphytatecontentin soy from 25 to 5 mg⁄gafter12 h of steeping. Thesamelevel of phyticacidandphytateswasonlyreached in untreatedsamplesafter48 h. Therefore, the treatment with the enzyme Ultraflo Maxallows to shorten the soybeans steeping time from 48 to 12 hours while keeping the final content of phytic acid and phytates the same. Since phytic acid lowers the digestibility of soy protein, the obtained results have practical significance for soy­based foods and feed production.
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Keywords: soy; phytic acid; antinutritional factors; bioavailability; enzymes

DOI 10.17586/2310-1164-2021-14-2-60-65

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