Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

2021 (published: 27.09.2021)

Number 3(49)

Home > Issue > Development of structural-parametric and mathematical models for separating sunflower seeds for halva production

UDC 664.14:62-52

Development of structural-parametric and mathematical models for separating sunflower seeds for halva production

Blagoveshchensky V.G., Krasnov A.E., Blagoveshchensky I.G., Music M.Yu., Golovin V.V., Blagoveshchenskaya M.M.

The influence of the main input parameters of raw materials supplied to the production of halva on the process of separating sunflower seeds was investigated in order to develop structural-parametric, mathematical, and situational models of this process. The objects of study are the process of separating sunflower seeds in the production of sunflower halva and the processes of collection, analysis, and processing, including expert information, in the tasks of continuous monitoring of the quality indicators of incoming raw materials. We used the methods of mathematical modeling, system analysis, and mathematical statistics, the theory of digital image processing, methodological and mathematical foundations for building intelligent control systems, as well as the elements of the theory of artificial intelligence. Numerical and graphic processing of the research results was carried out using MatLab. Parametric, mathematical, and situational models of sunflower seed separation in the production of halva have been received. The adequacy of the obtained models has been proved and the most influential indicators of the quality of the raw materials used have been identified. The main technological and operating parameters of the process of separating sunflower seeds in the production of halva have been determined, which is the basis for the creation of an intelligent automated system for cotrolling the quality of halva in the production process.
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Keywords: structural and parametric modeling; separation process; halva production; sunflower seeds

DOI 10.17586/2310-1164-2021-14-3-30-37

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