About the issue
2021 (published: 27.09.2021)
Number 3(49)
The non-destructive express method for determination of ethyl alcohol and total extract of wines
Timofeev R.G.
Keywords: winemaking; methods of analysis; refractive index; density; volume fraction of ethyl alcohol; wine extract
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UDC 663.253.1+2: 543.452
The non-destructive express method for determination of ethyl alcohol and total extract of wines
The article is devoted to the develop a draft guiding document regulating the use of the refractodensimetric method for determining the volume fraction of ethyl alcohol and the mass concentration of the total extract in the wine branch of industry.The existing approaches and technical solutions to the determination of the volume fraction of ethyl alcohol and the mass concentration of the total extract of wines and beverages are considered, their field of application, features and disadvantages are given. Based on the proposed mathematical model of the drink, linking its physical properties and composition – refractive index and density with the content of ethyl alcohol and total extract, special tables were calculated and an algorithm was developed to calculate the volume fraction of ethyl alcohol and the mass concentration of total extract according to refractometry and densimetry data. Preliminary metrological certification of the method for determining the volume fraction of ethyl alcohol and the mass concentration of the total extract in comparison with the methods of analysis adopted in winemaking in accordance with GOST 32095-2013 and GOST 32000-2012 has been carried out. It is shown that the metrological characteristics of the determination method are no worse than 0.2% by vol. of ethyl alcohol and 1.6 g/dm3 by mass concentration of the total extract in the range of de-termination for alcohol from 0% to 30% by vol. and mass concentration of total extract up to 400 g/dm3, which gives grounds for recommending this method for the wine branch of industry. The result s of the work can be used to create a guideline document for determining the volume fraction of ethyl alcohol and the mass concentration of the total extract sold as part of the standard equipment of laboratories in the wine branch of industry, as well as for the development of technical specifications for the creation of portable analytical equipment for operational control of the technological process.
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Keywords: winemaking; methods of analysis; refractive index; density; volume fraction of ethyl alcohol; wine extract
DOI 10.17586/2310-1164-2021-14-3-3-12

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License