Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
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June 2021 (published: 15.06.2021)

Number 2(48)

Home > Issue > Implementation of the mathematical model for drying watermelon semi-finished product

UDC [664.834:635.615]:[001.891.57:604.4:577.16]

Implementation of the mathematical model for drying watermelon semi-finished product

Lebedev Viktor A. , Aleksanyan Igor Yu., Nugmanov A.H-H., Maksimenko Yury A., Lysova V.N.

The aim of the study is to determine the evolution of the temperature front along the product layer during the drying within the temperature and technological constraints. To achieve this goal, a number of tasks have been solved such as: identification of temperature restrictions and boundary conditions at phase contact during the drying of watermelon semi-finished product, and construction of a mathematical model for heat and mass transfer and justification of assumptionswhen solving it by the finite difference method. Watermelon semi-finished product is specially prepared berry pulp with the addition of food chalk and soda, which is dehydrated to a given final humidity when you can get a powder product, from whichthe carotenoid pigment complex – lycopene (E-160d), which is in demand on the Russian market, is subsequently extracted. The most suitable method of dehydration of watermelon semi-finished product is drying with a conductive-convective supplyof heat energy by means of heated carbon dioxide at the temperature of 90°C, due to the thermal stability of the product and to exclude its negative contact with oxygen for lycopene. The transfer of the heat carrier is carried out along the surface of the material to be dried, applied in a thin layer on the working disk surface preheated with the same heat carrier. To intensify the dehumidification process, the wet product is preheated to a technologically set temperature. In the presented technologicalscheme for obtaining lycopene, the drying process is the most energy-intensive stage of the technology and determines the finalquality of the finished product, therefore, the result of solving the tasks set, which are ultimately reduced to the temperature distribution over the product layer during the entire dewatering process, depends on whether the fact of exceeding the threshold temperature value of 363 K, which is not possible to measure, is recorded., and its control is necessary to preserve the consumer properties of the target component in the dried watermelon semi-finished product.
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Keywords: heat and mass transfer processes; drying; mathematical model; numerical methods; temperature fields; watermelon pulp; lycopene

DOI 10.17586/2310-1164-2021-14-2-31-39

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