About the issue
March 2021 (published: 25.03.2021)
Number 1(47)
A technology for cheeses enriched with nut mixture
Merenkova S.P. , Filkov A.A.
Keywords: cheese production; development of a technology; microelements; hazelnuts; Brazil nuts; enriched cheese
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UDC 637.338
A technology for cheeses enriched with nut mixture
The technology and recipes of cheese enriched with microelements – selenium and manganese were developed. Samples of softcheese were examined: a control and two experimental samples enriched with a mixture of hazelnuts and Brazil nuts in different ratios. We used generally accepted methods to determine the organoleptic and physicochemical indicators of the finished product. A high degree of daily requirement satisfaction for selenium and manganese was established when 100 g of experimental cheese were consumed. In addition, in the experimental samples an increase in the content of Zn, P, and Mg was identified. It is noted that with the wet saltingmethod, the cheesesamples No. 1 and No. 2 received tasting scores slightly lower, compared to the control samples, in terms of such indicators: taste and smell, texture, and pattern.Organoleptic analysis of the cheese obtained with dry salting method allowed us to establish an improvement in taste, smell, consistency and pattern after 7 days of storage, both for control and for experimental cheesesamples. The tasting profile analysis revealed significant differences in cheese samples.The cheese with nut mixture had a pronounced nutty flavor with a sour taste and a slight bitterness, while the texture of the cheese was quite dense, but at the same time crumbly, and the pattern on the cut was characterized as slit-like with the presence of an insignificant number of cheese-eyes.It was experimentally established that in all samples of cheese, regardless of the recipe used and the production process flow, a decrease in moisture content were observed after 7 days of storage.
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Keywords: cheese production; development of a technology; microelements; hazelnuts; Brazil nuts; enriched cheese
DOI 10.17586/2310-1164-2021-14-1-34-42

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License