About the issue
2020 (published: 23.06.2020)
Number 2(44)
The effect of oat beta-glucan isolate on the rheology of dough from premium wheat flour and the quality of bakery products
Yamashev T.A., Gematdinova V.M. , Kanarskii A. V.
Keywords: fortified foods; oats; alimentary fiber; β-glucans; isolate; gluten; flour strength; rheology of the dough; falling number; volume of bread
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UDC 664.66.022.39
The effect of oat beta-glucan isolate on the rheology of dough from premium wheat flour and the quality of bakery products
The effect of oat β-glucan isolate on the rheological parameters of flour-water suspension and dough form two samples of the highest grade wheat flour with different content and quality of gluten was analyzed (sample 1 contained 31.8% gluten with a quality of 59.8 IDK units; sample 2 – 28.0% gluten with a quality of 50.1 IDK units). In addition, the physicochemical and organoleptic characteristics of bread from these flour samples were studied. The influence of the oat β-glucan isolate on the rheological characteristics of the flour-water suspension and dough was investigated using the falling number meter ICP-3, Brabender amylograph, Brabender farinograph, and Chopin alveograph. The physicochemical properties of flour and finished products were determined by generally accepted instrumental methods. The oat β-glucan isolate was added in the amount of 0.4% and 0.8% with the replacement of the corresponding amount of flour. It was found that the oat β-glucan isolate increases the viscosity of the gelatinized water-flour suspension from strong flour (sample 1) and does not affect its viscosity when using weak flour (sample 2). The addition of 0.8% oat β-glucan isolate to strong flour (sample 1) increased all the rheological parameters of the dough under investigation: water absorption capacity by 5%, dough stability by 22 minutes, dough strength by 160 · 10-4 J, dough tenacity by 9 mm H2O, and dough extensibility by 32 mm relative to the control. However, in the dough of weak flour (sample 2), in the presence of oat β-glucan isolate, these parameters practically did not change, only the dough strength increased by 28 · 10-4 J and its tenacity by 8 mm H2O when making 0.4% isolate. For strong flour (sample 1), with an increase in the concentration of oat β-glucan isolate in the dough, the value of almost all of its rheological parameters increased, and for weak flour (sample 2), the highest values were observed at an isolate concentration of 0.4%. The introduction of 0.4% oat β-glucan isolate allowed to increase the specific volume of bread from strong flour (sample 1) by 0.12 cm3/g, from weak flour (sample 2) by 0.40 cm3/g), with a corresponding increase in porosity of 2.8% relative to control samples. Increasing the dosage of β-glucan isolate to 0.8% when using both flour samples led to a decrease in the volumetric parameters of bread to almost the level of control values, but in both cases the crumb humidity increased by 0.8%. All studied concentrations of the additive did not affect the organoleptic characteristics of the finished product.
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Keywords: fortified foods; oats; alimentary fiber; β-glucans; isolate; gluten; flour strength; rheology of the dough; falling number; volume of bread
DOI 10.17586/2310-1164-2020-10-2-62-75

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