Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
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December 2019 (published: 17.12.2019)

Number 4(42)

Home > Issue > Plant ingredients in stabilizing the oxidative processes of butter during storage

UDC 637.2.07

Plant ingredients in stabilizing the oxidative processes of butter during storage

Nilova L.P.

This article is devoted the study of oxidative processes in butter with the use of powdered plant ingredients —dill, mix of Provencal herbs, and garlic.Butter was produced from dairy raw materials, and had the same fatty acid composition and quality of the fat phase.Butter was packaged in lined foil, stored at (4 ± 2)°C for 60 days. Every 10 days the following parameters was determined: peroxide value, tiabarbituric value, fatty acidity, and vitamin E content.The plant ingredients in the butter slowed down the oxidation processes with the same tendency to form primary and secondary oxidation products. The gradual accumulation of primary oxidation products occurred in all samples of butter with their maximum amount on the 40th day of storage. This process was seen in butter without plant ingredients most clearly. The formation of primary oxidation products in butter with plant ingredients decreased by 1.5–2 times, secondary oxidation products — by 1.3–1.7 compared to the control. Hydrolytic processes resulting in the formation of free fatty acids have decreased. Due to the phenolic type antioxidants and ascorbic acid, plant ingredients prevented vitamin E from oxidation; as a result, its amount at the end of storage was 56–69% of the initial value and 2 times exceeded the average content in the control sample. The influence of plant ingredients on the stabilization of oxidative processes in butter was as follows: Provencal herbs> dill > garlic.
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Keywords: butter; powdered plant ingredients; storage; acid value; peroxide value; tiabarbitural value; vitamin E

DOI 10.17586/2310-1164-2019-12-4-117-123

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