Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

2018 (published: 30.12.2018)

Number 3(37)

Home > Issue > Digital technologies in assessment and analysis of the food tasting results

UDC 004.9:664

Digital technologies in assessment and analysis of the food tasting results

Nikitina M. A., Zakharov A.N., Kuznetsova T.G., Lazarev A.A.

Russian Academy of Sciences have developed the software with the client-server architecture for collection and statistical processing of sensory data with the aim of objectivization of tasting results, collection, analysis, and visualization of the obtained data. One of the main directions of statistics in the organoleptic analysis is an assessment of the dependence between experimental variables and measured characteristics. Statistical criteria are used to assess a degree of interaction between variables, a size of experimental effects, and allow accepting or rejecting hypothesis proposed. In the organoleptic analysis, people play a role of a sort as measurement instruments, and a variation linked with the human factor arises. This proves, once again, that the use of statistical methods is necessary. In foreign countries, the methods of statistical processing are included in the specialized software packageswith wide functional possibilities. In Russia, similar developments are practically absent, which, in turn, complicates an introduction of objectivization and performance of its routine monitoring in enterprises significantly. The developed computer networking program is based on the principles of multivariate analysis of variance and enables real time processing of data from a taste panel. The results obtained in automatic processing are maximum objective and reliable.
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Keywords: information technologies; sensory analysis; objectivization of tasting results; computer networking program; foods.

DOI 10.17586/2310-1164-2018-11-3-12-19

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