About the issue
2018 (published: 29.12.2018)
Number 2(36)
Correspondence of rheological models to the structural-mechanical properties of fish
Aqeev O.V., Fatykhov Yu. A., Naumov V. A., Samojlova N.V.
Keywords: rheological model; stress of material; viscoelasticity; deformation; muscular tissue; fish
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UDC 664.9.022
Correspondence of rheological models to the structural-mechanical properties of fish
The relevance of the scientifically substantiated choice for the rheological model describing the structural-mechanical properties of the muscular fish tissue has been shown. The model choice has been justified by comparative analysis of the basic rheological models corresponding to the viscoelastic behavior of the material. Differential equations of the models with solutions for three different force conditions have been analyzed. The results of direct creep, relaxation, and reverse creep tests of the muscular tissue have been presented for horse mackerel, mackerel, and Atlantic sardinella. Direct and reverse creep tests have been performed at the stress of 0.065·105 N/m2, the relaxation tests have been performed at the stress of 0.6·105 N/m2. The regression analysis for the correspondence of Maxwell–Thomson mathematical model, Maxwell model, Kelvin–Voigt model, and Burgers model to the experimental data has been performed. It has been found out that the muscular fish tissue before destruction shows a limited flow under stress, and relaxes at constant stress to an equilibrium state, with it restoring completely when relieved fully. It has been shown that the results of the experimental tests approximately correspond to the three-element rheological Maxwell–Thomson model. In direct creep tests the indices of determination are shown to be of 0.966 and 0.952 for horse mackerel and mackerel respectively. In the relaxation tests the indices of determination are 0.903 and 0.915 for horse mackerel and mackerel respectively. In reverse creep tests the indices of determination are 0.925 and 0.931 for mackerel and Atlantic sardinella. Burgers model describes the kinetics of deformation and stress in limited periods of stressing time in a more accurate way, but in general its results differ from the experimental ones substantially. This is explained by the presence of an isolated damper in Burgers model, which provides for an infinite material flow under stressing and full relaxation of stresses.
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Keywords: rheological model; stress of material; viscoelasticity; deformation; muscular tissue; fish
DOI 10.17586/2310-1164-2018-11-2-34-43

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