About the issue
March 2018 (published: 31.03.2018)
Number 1(35)
Obtaining of rye malt enriched with selenium
Muravyov K.Y., Barakova N.V., Khomyakov Y.V., Panova G.G.
Keywords: malting; selenium and its compounds; rye malt; grain growth rate; ability to germinate; spring rye.
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Obtaining of rye malt enriched with selenium
The effect of sodium selenate on the development of Vyatka rye throughout malting has been studied. Selenium (Se) is known to stimulate growth and development of agricultural crops and enhance properties of the grain. To obtain non-fermented malted rye fortified with selenium different modes of selenium introduction were used, namely, applying solutions with 0.5 and 1.0 mg · dm−3 of sodium selenate, either during moisturizing or during sprouting. Germinating power was evaluated by the number of sprouted grains, germination rate – by the average length of sprouts and roots. The method of malting was as follows: soaking for 19.5 hours with three air breaks followed by sprouting at 14°C fully exposed to air with intermittent humidification and agitation every 12 hours. The method of malt drying had three stages: first, at 40°C for 10 hours, second, at 70°C for 10 hours, third, at 100°C for 0.5 hours. Selenium content in the resulting malt was determined by atomic absorption spectrometry. It is shown that the optimal mode of malted rye selenium fortification is adding solution of sodium selenate during moisturizing of kernels in concentrations no bigger than 0.5 mg · dm−3. Selenium accretion in the malt results in reducing malt extractivity. The research results should be taken into account if selenium fortified malts are to be produced from other varieties of crops.
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Keywords: malting; selenium and its compounds; rye malt; grain growth rate; ability to germinate; spring rye.
DOI 10.17586/2310-1164-2016-11-1-15-20

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