About the issue
December 2017 (published: 25.12.2017)
Number 4(34)
Intensification of beer wort hopping with the use of rotary pulsation apparatus
Borodulin D.M. , Ivanec V.N. , Safonova E.A., Prosin M.V., Milenkiy I.O., Noskova V.V.
Keywords: raw materials for brewing production; intoxication of beer mash; the rotor and pulsation device; production cycle; isohumulone; hop extract
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UDC 663.423
Intensification of beer wort hopping with the use of rotary pulsation apparatus
The article is concerned with the intensification of beer wort hopping process. A hop extract is previously processed in the rotary pulsation apparatus (RPA) for the purpose of more complete extraction and isomerization of bitter substances, as compared to the existing methods. In the apparatus the suspension is affected by shock, acoustic, and abrasive loads. In the first part of the research the hop extract consisted of water and hop. In the experiments granulated hop of Magnum variety with an α-acid content of 13%, produced in Slovenia, was used. Technical parameters of RPA work at which the received hop extract has the greatest possible content of isohumulone are determined. Isohumulone is the main component of bitter substances. The content of Cis isohumulone in the obtained samples was determined by a method based on its extraction of from the suspension by isooctane, and subsequent finding the optical density of the obtained isooctane extract on the spectrophotometer with the wavelength of 275 nm. The method of multiple regression analysis in the Statistica 6 sowfware was used to determine the degree of influence of the technical operation parameters of the RPA on the content of Cis isohumulone. Regression equations are obtained allowing to predict the value of the dependent Cus variable, as well as the response surface. As a result, the optimal mode of operation of the apparatus is established: temperature of liquid is 85°С, speed of rotor is 3000 rpm, and processing time is 3 min. The content of isohumulone in aqueous hop extract was 63.2 mg/l. The second part of the research consisted in the preparation of hop extract from beer wort and hops of the same sort in the RPA with the pre-established optimal technical parameters. Preliminary experimental data showed the content of isohumulone in hopped beer wort of 51.41 mg/l. This is 19% more compared to the sample obtained in the classic way with Zhigulevskoe wort. Thus, the use of RPA at the stage of hopping beer wort gives an increase in the yield of bitter substances. As a result, it becomes possible to reduce the rate of hops and reduce the duration of the boiling process of hopping from 2 to 1 hour. The second part of the research is taking place now with the aim of developing a new, more effective, method of beer wort hopping.
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Keywords: raw materials for brewing production; intoxication of beer mash; the rotor and pulsation device; production cycle; isohumulone; hop extract
DOI 10.17586/2310-1164-2017-10-4-3-12

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License