About the issue
March 2016 (published: 30.03.2016)
Number 1(27)
Physico-chemical properties of cranberry extract
Sumenkov M.V.
Keywords: cranberry extract; density; viscosity; surface tension; temperature; dry water-soluble substances
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Physico-chemical properties of cranberry extract
The results of experimentalstudies of cranberry water extract physico-chemical properties (density, viscosity, surface tension) are shown. The studies were performed by well-known experimental techniques: density was fixed by pycnometer, viscosity – by capillary viscometers, surface tension – by Rebinder device.
The ranges of variationof the investigated parameters was chosen for practical reasons. The content of dry soluble substances (5...32 % mass)was based on the fact that there is no need to concentrate the extracts deeply due to their rapid use. Temperature of the extracts (20...50°C) is determined by the presence of thermolabile components. The content of dry soluble substances was determined by reparametrization method.
To obtain the extracts (model systems) cranberry harvested in 2007 in Tomsk region was used. The extract was obtained by conventionalmaceration filtered under vacuum and evaporated at thetemperature of 45°C under vacuum atlaboratory evaporation plant up to solid content of 32% mass. This concentrate was stored refrigeratedand, when necessary, was diluted with distilled water to a desired concentration.
Themeasurement interval for the parameters was∆t–5°C; ∆C = 7% mass. The number of measurement repetitions was 3–7 times. Computer processing of the experimental data using statistical softwareallowed obtaining experimental–statistic models suitable for engineering practice in determining the physic-chemical properties of cranberrywater extracts.
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Keywords: cranberry extract; density; viscosity; surface tension; temperature; dry water-soluble substances
DOI 10.17586/2310-1164-2016-9-1-118-125

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License