Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

March 2016 (published: 30.03.2016)

Number 1(27)

Home > Issue > Carob tree gum impact on the properties and quality of wheat bread

UDC 664.6

Carob tree gum impact on the properties and quality of wheat bread

Andreev A.N., Dmitrieva Yu V

The article deals with the influence of gum based hydrocolloid stabilizer on the properties and quality of wheat bread. The influence of carob gum on structural and mechanical properties of dough, its machining, specific volume, and the shelf life of wheat bread is analyzed. Wheat bread made according to a formula for «Nareznoy» loaf was chosen as an experiment material. To evaluate physicochemical and organoleptic parameters the dough was worked into loafs and baked directly on the oven floor; and to evaluate specific volume and rheological indicators of crumb the dough was baked in the forms. Same changes were made in the formula (Sate Standard № 27844-88). Bakery yeast cake was replaced by Saf-Instant Red yeasts (Lesaffre Ltd, France) in the ratio of 3:1. The amount of gum added was 0.2 and 0.5%. The amount of additional water was chosen experimentally to be 5% of general water amount in formulae. Thus, hydration degree was 52% in general, and 57% for control samples. Crumb freshness was evaluated according to rheological parameters in terms of compression strain, residual crumb strength and resilience on the second and eighth day of storage using Labor-365 penetrometer.  It is shown that the use of hydrated carob gum with the degree of hydration of 57% at a dosage of 0.5% of the flour weight improves rheological properties of dough and its machining, increases the relative amount of wheat bread by 10%, soft crumb formation during baking, and prolongs shelf life up to eight days, that results in improving bread quality and digestibility.
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Keywords: hydration; hydrocolloids, dough, machining, specific volume of bread.

DOI 10.17586/2310-1164-2016-9-1-107-117

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