About the issue
March 2016 (published: 30.03.2016)
Number 1(27)
Monitoring noise characteristics of bread slicers under operating conditions
Pilnenko A.K. , Zapletnikov I.N.
Keywords: bread slicer; noise characteristics; food product cutting; blade unit; experimental measurements.
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UDC 664.03-752
Monitoring noise characteristics of bread slicers under operating conditions
The article deals with the vibration process and acoustic phenomena in the technological equipment having negative effect on the manufacturing staff. To develop measures to eliminate or decrease its adverse effects experimental methods of the equipment noise characteristics analysis were used. The method and equipment chosen met the ISO Acoustics international standards and took into account the acoustic properties of the surrounding space. The main parts of machines for bread slicing being analyzed, their competitive type was identified. The most widely used bread slicers the noise characteristics of which were not studied are made by Sinmag company Experimental studies showed that the maximum permissible sound pressure level values were exceeded by 3 dBA according to A scale, at high frequencies it being exceeded by 2…6 dB. Analysis of the influence of certain elements in the design on the machine noise performance showed negative effect. Of great effect is machine shell plating: by 8–12 dB at medium frequencies, andby 12–18 dB at high frequencies, by 8 dBA according to A scale. Vibration isolation of the machine allowed reducing vibration and sound power level by 9.4 dBA according to A scale, in the octave band frequencies: by 2…14 dB for medium frequencies, by 16…20 dB – for high ones. Bread slicing process has no marked effect on noise level and don’t exceed the maximum permissible sound pressure level values. The research results are of great use for the development of calculating methods for the noise characteristics of bread slicers at the design stage.
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Keywords: bread slicer; noise characteristics; food product cutting; blade unit; experimental measurements.
DOI 10.17586/2310-1164-2016-9-1-45-54

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License