Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

November 2015 (published: 27.11.2015)

Number 4(26)

Home > Issue > Installation of electrostatic smoking with an inductive supply of energy at a dymogeneration in the environment of inert gas

UDC 664.8/.9.034

Installation of electrostatic smoking with an inductive supply of energy at a dymogeneration in the environment of inert gas

Shahov S. V., Maltceva O.V., Sukharev I.N. , Shubkin S.Y.

Use of an electrostatic field the progressive technique allowing to intensify various processing of food environments. Thus the following theoretical principles and approaches are put in a basis of the perspective technical solutions realizing scientific researches of process of electrostatic smoking at a dymogeneration in the environment of inert gas with an inductive supply of energy. Use at a dymogeneration by pyrolysis of wood sawdust as inert gas of the nitrogen received by baromembranny division of air in the generator of inert gas of membrane type on semipermeable membranes under pressure of 0,5-4 MPa allows to receive koptilny air-gas mix from air with the raised content of nitrogen, for its use at a dymogeneration that excludes danger of ignition of wood sawdust and provides the high speed of formation of a smoke. Application of a heater of air in front of the generator of inert gas of membrane type allows to intensify process of division of air on membranes and to increase efficiency of removal of moisture from sawdust in a zone of their heating and subdrying, and also provides increase of productivity of the equipment for the coordinated work of a smoke generator and the device for smoking with an adjustable electrostatic field, due to exact regulation of a high voltage on the koroniruyushchikh electrodes depending on density of air-flue mix that allows to receive steadily quality ready-made product. The presented installation of electrostatic smoking with an inductive supply of energy at a dymogeneration in the environment of inert gas completely answers the modern trends of development of the food industry. The developed design of installation allows not only to carry out process of smoking in the wide ranges of temperatures in a dymogeneration zone, but also at the expense of a design of a smoke generator to receive uniform and stable air-flue mix which at the expense of the filter is cleared of cancerogenic components and sates with aroma of a smoke of a time of a product that leads to receiving better and uniform production.
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Keywords: electrostatic smoking; air-flue mix; indications of the voltmeter; generator; dymogeneration zone; pyrolysis of sawdust.

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