Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

September 2015 (published: 17.09.2015)

Number 3(25)

Home > Issue > Influence ofturbulizer design features of membrane unit on the ultrafiltration process hydrodynamics

UDC 628.16

Influence ofturbulizer design features of membrane unit on the ultrafiltration process hydrodynamics

Shevtsov A.A. , Derkanosova A.A. , Korotaeva A.A. , Tonkih N.V. , Muravev A.S.

One of the main indicators of ultrafiltration membrane modulesperformance decreaseis to maintain a constant value of the permeate flow, which is in direct proportion to the value of the concentration polarization. In this work, proposed a vertical membrane unit, equipped with a rotating membrane module and a turbulizer to change the hydrodynamics of the filtered suspensions. The object of the work - a suspension of stillage after a rough separation in a centrifuge with the following characteristics: dry substance 50.0 g/l; crude protein 8.7 g/l;. To study of themembrane device performance task of determining change in the profile layer concentrationmathematical model was offered. The dependence of the permeate flow from the ultrafiltration process flow time for different values of the transmembrane pressure and the angular velocity of rotation of the membrane module are obtained. Changing transmembrane pressure from kPa to  kPa was increasepermeate stream to 60-67%. Changing the ωfrom  to  rad/s, increase the permeate flow more than 100% at the same transmembrane pressure. The design features of the proposed vertical membrane device having a positive impact on reducing the concentration polarization layer. The proposed membrane unit has a multi-tasking performance and is recommended for use in the food, pharmaceutical and microbiological industries, as well as enterprises of agroindustrial complex
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Keywords: ultrafiltration, polarizing concentration, membrane apparatus, hydrodynamic analysis.

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