Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

September 2015 (published: 17.09.2015)

Number 3(25)

Home > Issue > Using theproductof goats lactation in the manufactureof naturalproteinbases forinstant foodmixtures

UDC 637.2.05:631.14: [636.2+636.39]

Using theproductof goats lactation in the manufactureof naturalproteinbases forinstant foodmixtures

Glotova I.A. , Erofeeva N.A. , Shakhov A.S.

The task of developing import-substituting technologies for processing and storage of products of lactation goats with relevant technical software do the actual following reasons: biochemical characteristics as the objects of food nanobiotechnology, the seasonal nature of production of these types of animal products, the variability of the composition and properties depending on various factors, including the stage of lactation. We proved expediency of complex use of goat milk and colostrum when developing technologies of natural instant food mixes with the immunomodelling properties and the allergenicity reduced in comparison with natural products of a lactation of cows.For stabilization of biologically active agents which are peculiar to native raw materials, the technology which includes preliminary removal of moisture in the baromembranny ways, freezing by cryogenic liquids (liquid nitrogen) and sublimation drying is offered. For ensuring stabilization of biologically active agents as a part of the dehydrated products in the vacuumsublimation dryer the principle of the thermal pump is used.Installation in which preservation of native properties of biologically active components as a part of a product is provided is designed. The design of installation provides removal from a zone of an intensive supply of energy of the dried part of a product due to its destruction as a result of friction about the punched drum surface. Updating of an interface of phases and an intensification of process is in addition provided.
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Keywords: goat milk, goat colostrum, vacuumfreeze-drying, protein-based, allergenicity, immunomodulatory, instant products.

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