About the issue
March 2015 (published: 27.02.2015)
Number 1(23)
Kinetics of drying of fruit stones infrared
by a radiation in a vibroboiling layer
Poperechnyi A.N., Myronova N.A.
Keywords: fruit pits, infraredradiation, vibroboiling layer, drying, the moisture content, temperature, heat fluxdensity.
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UDC 664.8.022.1:
Kinetics of drying of fruit stones infrared
by a radiation in a vibroboiling layer
Utilization of stones is taken the special role, as they are valuable raw material for oil industry, on the enterprises of that the complex processing of stones is conducted: from kernels get oil, from a shell - crumb and powder. Before to put stones on oil enterprises, they must be cleaned from admixtures to dry up, as the stones abstracted from garden-stuffs have enhanceable humidity of 25-60% and contain the far of admixtures as pulp, spues.However for lack of the specialized equipment for drying of fruit stones on canneries, their supplying to the plants of drupaceous oils with every year goes to the decrease. The tons of stones are simply destroyed thus. Attempts to apply already existent industrial dryers appeared uneffective as they do not take into account the structural features of fruit stones, and also small adjusted to the considerable vibrations of humidity of raw stones and unevenness of their receipt on drying.The most expedient method of drying of fruit stones is application of infrared and vibroboiling layer.
An aim hired is research of kinetics of drying of fruit stones an infrared in a vibroboiling layer for the exposure of rational parameters of process and creation of the industrial drying setting.
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Keywords: fruit pits, infraredradiation, vibroboiling layer, drying, the moisture content, temperature, heat fluxdensity.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License