Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

March 2015 (published: 27.02.2015)

Number 1(23)

Home > Issue > Ways to improve the accuracy of dispensers for bulk foods

UDC 621.86.067.2

Ways to improve the accuracy of dispensers for bulk foods

Demchenko V.A., Kazakov Y.R.

Theoretical and experimental research are improving the accuracy of dispensers for loose food products through the application of feeder-hopper with ultrasonic flow stabilization. Feed grains of ultrasonic flow feeder-hopper through the inlet opening is presented in the form of stable motion of particle vibration resistance psevdoožižennyh, proportional to the amplitude of the ultrasound.  Drawing attention to a small dependence of the dosing accuracy of floating height of the product in the feeder, but quite noticeably from non-uniformity of loose product in a dosage, dosing mechanism and startle the foundations, the variability of the product (weight, size, heterogeneity, bulk bulk density, water absorption, fluidity, ability to granulation process).In order to study ways to reduce noise in the workplace and anti products on Department TMiO IHBT gathered ultrasonic laboratory plant feeder, which is working on a method of removal of process indicators. The peculiarity of the ultrasonic power supply is some electrization cereals, hardly affects the flowability of granular material, but nearly 100% exclusive dusting in the packaging process.   Thus, use of this technology will not only ensure a steady flow of granular materials with minimal energy consumption, but also to create a suitable working environment for operators and system proper welding package fertilisers product. Supply of high-frequency oscillation amplitude 10μm has improved theperformance of the feeder on the peas with the maximum permissible humidity at 60%.
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Keywords: bulk material, end of the bunker, ultrasonic impulse, stabilization of the stream, the increase in performance.

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