About the issue
Декабрь 2014 (published: 03.12.2014)
Number 4(22)
Development and production of cheese products with vegetable components
Rudakova A.Yu. , Zabodalova L.A.,, Serova O. P.
Keywords: healthy food, functional ingredients, raw materials of a phytogenesis, cow's milk, goat milk, soft cheeses, bean cultures, food fibers.
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UDC 637.3
Development and production of cheese products with vegetable components
In recent years in structure of food of the population of Russia, the lack of vegetable components, as in quantitative, and in a qualitative sense, therefore increase in release of biologically full-fledged products, very actually is observed. One of solutions of this problem is the combination of a dairy basis to raw materials of a phytogenesis. Besides, creation of the new combined products allows to save raw materials of an animal origin, in particular milk that is also an important factor. The purpose consists in solving a problem of use of goat milk as an alternative type of raw materials. In article the main vegetable components used in the dairy industry are analysed. Production of soft cheeses on the basis of an alternative type of dairy raw materials with use of functional food ingredient is an actual problem of modern society. The goal is achieved by the directed variation by quantitative ratios of input products. Quite detailed analysis of structure of bean fillers indicating their high nutrition value and presence of a number of functional signs at them is carried out. Article provides the scientific basis for production efficiency of a vegetable filler by production of goat cheese.
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Keywords: healthy food, functional ingredients, raw materials of a phytogenesis, cow's milk, goat milk, soft cheeses, bean cultures, food fibers.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License