Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

Декабрь 2014 (published: 03.12.2014)

Number 4(22)

Home > Issue > The usage of protein stimulants of by-products of meat processing for the needs of natural grassland

UDC 664.9.03; 631.811.98

The usage of protein stimulants of by-products of meat processing for the needs of natural grassland

Kutsakova V. E., Kremenevskaya M.I., Dobryagin R.V., Kalinina O.A., Pavlova A.I.

The insufficient usage of fallow land, natural and sown pastures is one of the main problems of the development of cattle breeding. The usage of protein stimulators of plant growth of the by-products of meat processing in a field experiment is discussed in the article. In the Leningrad region, Luga district processing technology of protein hydrolysate (stimulator of growth "Biostim") for growing meadow grass was tested to solve the problem of providing fodder medium and cattle under conditions of risk farming in Northwest region. Agro-technical, multifactor experiments were in specially designated areas with a well-known story and preferential growth of clover, lucerne and timothy. The results confirm the feasibility of the usage of hydrolysates of this processing, as harvest increase and improvement the chemical composition of forage land were discovered.
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Keywords: protein stimulators, growth of plants, by-productsof meat processing.

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