About the issue
Декабрь 2014 (published: 03.12.2014)
Number 4(22)
Studying of influence of ultrasound on some production phases of flour confectionery in the convection steamer
Ivanova M.A. , Rekuto N.V.
Keywords: ultrasound, intensification, proof,batch, cooling,flour confectionery,decrease energy consumption, increase in productivity.
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UDC 664.655.1
Studying of influence of ultrasound on some production phases of flour confectionery in the convection steamer
The summary: The purpose of spent researches is studying of influence of ultrasound on some production phases of flour confectionery in theconvection steamer. It is experimentally confirmed that the intensified way of production is less energy-intensive what are used on bakeries and mini-bakeries, and also in confectionery hypermarkets.
Proposed and implemented the mechanism for applying ultrasonic vibrations to proofing, batching and cooling flour confectionery. For this purpose on the basis of the convection steamer «Angelo Po» developed pilot heat device with the built-in ultrasonic device.
Preliminary experiments in an ultrasonic field produced positive results. This technology allows accelerating process from the beginning of proof until the end of cooling approximately for 20-27%, to reduce labor input of development of products, to decreaseenergy consumption, to increase quality of finished products.
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Keywords: ultrasound, intensification, proof,batch, cooling,flour confectionery,decrease energy consumption, increase in productivity.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License