About the issue
Декабрь 2014 (published: 03.12.2014)
Number 4(22)
Role of baсterial cultures in formation of taste and aromatic
of sour-cream butter
Bodnarchuk O.V., Kigel N.F., Gukova Ya.F., Eresko G.O.
Keywords: sour-cream butter,acidity, carbohydrates, volatile organic acids, free amino acids, alcohols, aldehyde, lactones.
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UDC 637.236
Role of baсterial cultures in formation of taste and aromatic
of sour-cream butter
The influence ofdifferent starter cultures on the formation of taste and aromatic composition during the manufacture and storage of sour-cream butter are investigated. The features of influence of the bacterial culture in the food storage for volatile organic acids, the level of free amino acids, lactones, aldehydes, alcohols are determined.Quantitative and qualitative composition offlavoring substances and their changes during storage products depends not only to the species composition of the starter lactoflora, but also feature production technology sour-cream butter are shown.Bacterial startercontaining thermophilic lactobacilli, more fulfilling when you make it into the layer in the production sour-cream butter. Owing to the high acidity inherent thermophilic cultures can provide the required level of acidity of the plasma and aromatic compounds.Starter culturewith mesophilic microflora provides a sour-cream butter with high amounts of aromatic compounds and provides expressed flavors and typical fermented flavor of the product by using the method of ripening cream.
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Keywords: sour-cream butter,acidity, carbohydrates, volatile organic acids, free amino acids, alcohols, aldehyde, lactones.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License