About the issue
June 2013 (published: 01.06.2013)
Number 2(16)
The intensification of the cooling of boiled sausage products gidroaerozolno-evaporatively method with cyclic overlay electrostatic field (ESP)
Krupenenkov N.F., Khokhlov E.V.
Keywords: gidroaerozolno -evaporative cooling of sausages in a cyclic electrostatic field.
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UDC 621.514
The intensification of the cooling of boiled sausage products gidroaerozolno-evaporatively method with cyclic overlay electrostatic field (ESP)
Contains relations for calculation of the cooling process sausages and intermediate temperature of the product. Proposed cyclical imposition of an electrostatic field on the spray of water for its uniform distribution and hold on the surface of sausages.
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Keywords: gidroaerozolno -evaporative cooling of sausages in a cyclic electrostatic field.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License