About the issue
2014 (published: 11.09.2014)
Number 3(21)
Usage of crioscopic temperature for prediction of cold storage
Verzhuk V.G., Kalatsevich N.N.
Keywords: crioscopic temperature, fruit, cold storage, prediction of cold storage.
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UDC 634.1:581.1.036:664.8.037
Usage of crioscopic temperature for prediction of cold storage
The reliable supply of fresh vegetable production is possible only on the assumption of minimization its loss during cold storage. The timely prediction may appreciably reduce losses during cold storage, as long as vegetative raw materials, which can`t be kept for a long time, may be send on processing. The prediction will allow of vegetative raw materials storage and work of reprocessor planning.
Consequently loss reduction during cold storage is possible at the same time with maintenance of ecological cleanliness and safety of vegetable products. The decrease of temperature promotes the increase of vegetable products shelf-life. The cryoscopic temperature is the smallest extreme of fresh vegetable products cooling during its cold storage. At the same time the decrease of temperature is necessary not to cause different changes in vegetable products.
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Keywords: crioscopic temperature, fruit, cold storage, prediction of cold storage.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License