About the issue
March 2021 (published: 25.03.2021)
Number 1(47)
Features of the technology of functional ingredients enriched with biologically active substances of chondroprotective action
Kremenevskaya M.I., Aret V.A., Sosnina O.A., Panchenco M.Yu., Rubtsov A.K. , Moskvicheva E.V.
Keywords: food systems; heat exchange processes; by-products; enzymatic treatment; chondroprotectors; preventive nutrition
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UDC 664/38+66-96
Features of the technology of functional ingredients enriched with biologically active substances of chondroprotective action
The possibility of processing by-products of leather production as food raw materials was determined. The heat exchange processes during the pretreatment of the collagen-containing system from the edge sections of the minnow beef split in the presence of enzymes in an apparatus with scraper mixing devices in the temperature range from 20 to 33°C were studied. The criterion equation of heat transfer under non-isothermal motion of biologically active systems and products, both Newtonian and non-Newtonian liquids, is obtained. The values of the dimensionless coefficients of the Reynolds and Prandtl criteria and the empirical coefficient in the proposed criterion equation are determined, which allows to determine the value of the Nusselt criterion with reliable probability, which characterizes the similarity of heat transfer processes at the boundary between the wall of the apparatus and the liquid flow. Physical and chemical methods were used to determine their rheological characteristics and safety indicators. Empirical dependences describing rheological changes in food systemsare obtained. It was found that the protein semi-finished products obtained after pretreatment comply with the safety standards of the Russian Federation. A complex study of protein semi-finished products dried at the temperature of 21 ± 0.5°C after preliminary and further processing in the presence of a low-concentration alkaline reagent was carried out by the method of infrared spectroscopy of disturbed total internal reflection. The presence of glucosamine and chondroitin was determined in relation to the Swanson preperation (USA). It was found that pretreatment has a minimal effect on the changein the structure of raw materials, and the maximum content of biologically active substances and protein is observed in collagen-containing samples hydrolyzed in the presence of 0.085% sodium hydroxide. Pretreatment allowed to reduce the duration of the subsequent technological process and energy consumption of production by 25%. The use of a food additive that has biologically active substances of a neuroprotective effect in food technologies will expand the range of targeted products.
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Keywords: food systems; heat exchange processes; by-products; enzymatic treatment; chondroprotectors; preventive nutrition
DOI 10.17586/2310-1164-2021-14-1-43-52

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License