Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

2014 (published: 24.02.2014)

Number 1(19)

Home > Issue > Determination of permissible modes seal fruits and vegetables in containers at their commodity processing

UDC 664.8.03

Determination of permissible modes seal fruits and vegetables in containers at their commodity processing

Gromtsev A.S. , Kovalenko A.V., Ivanova M.A.

  The aim of this paper is to develop activities in the commodity processing of fruits and vegetables. To address this goal, we proposed to study the following tasks: 1) study the level of kinetic energy, which deforms  fruit and reduces their marketability; 2) study the effect of a permissible shock load on fruit from permanent deformation. When packing in bulk, fruit arranged haphazardly in a box. So the equilibrium of the system of fruits, is unstable. During vibration impact on the layer of apples, appears the force of inertia variable in direction, which in the appropriate phase of the vibrational motion, will reduce the coupling strength of fruit with each other. Upon reaching a certain value, the inertial forces disturb the balance of forces in the layer and thus causing offset of fruits to each other.Performing a variety of complex movements, the fruit under the action of inertial forces occupy the first available space, and then, the space that appeared as a result of displacement of neighboring fruits. The challenge is to ensure the safety of fruits during transportation is not worse than after the manual stacking. But interest are those vibration modes at which the packing density is achieved  as close as the density of manual stacking.
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Keywords: apples, collision, compression, deformation, storage.

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