Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

SEPTEMER 2013 (published: 01.09.2013)

Number 3(17)

Home > Issue > Influence of destruction of the collagen structure on the hydrophilic properties of this process’ products

UDC 637.5

Influence of destruction of the collagen structure on the hydrophilic properties of this process’ products

Murashev S.V.

Collagen is a protein with the unique amino acid composition, structure and properties. Making considerable part of meat raw materials, collagen has a significant impact on its properties. Therefore, the changes occurring to collagen influence as the properties of the muscle tissue and the properties of products in which collagen or preparations derived therefrom, for example, the hydrolyzate included as an integral part. In this regard, in the illustrated modified hydrophilic properties of collagen degradation products depending on the characteristics of the process.
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Keywords: collagen, gluten, gelatosa

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