About the issue
SEPTEMER 2013 (published: 01.09.2013)
Number 3(17)
The analysis of work of the unit for drying
Gromcev S.A., Громцев А.С., Асанкулов Н.А.
Keywords: drying, drum drying plant, seed, exergy, exergy balance, optimization of dryers.
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UDC 66.047.57
The analysis of work of the unit for drying
Proposed optimization of the drying drum unit on the basis of thermodynamic and exergic methods. We derive the equations describing the relationship of the thermodynamic parameters of seeds and the drying agent, and allowing, for given parameters of a drying agent to calculate the output parameters of seeds for any time of the drying process.
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Keywords: drying, drum drying plant, seed, exergy, exergy balance, optimization of dryers.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License