Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

SEPTEMBER 2010 (published: 01.09.2010)

Number 2(10)

Home > Issue > Use of products of cavitation technology in the investigation of wasteless molding technology

UDC 637.5. 664. 664.6

Use of products of cavitation technology in the investigation of wasteless molding technology

Konovalova M.U.

The aim of the research is to use liquid prepared foods, i.e. products of energy and resource saving cavitation technology to develop reagentless dough forming technology and wasteless molding of spice-cake produce. The researcher measured the effect of cavitation and molding period on rheological and quality indices of baked half-products. Water, invert syrup, aqueous-fat (aromatic with CO2 extracts) and complex emulsions were activated in the ultrasonic unit “Ultramix” and were used as ingredients for adobe boiled weight and printed spice-cakes and ginger bread. A mechanism was proposed and realized to prepare cavitated spice-cake dough with predetermined properties that were intensified by mechanical molding; after baking a semi-finished product with modified structure was obtained. The experiments run on using activated cavitated products in mixing spice-cake dough were found to yield good results. The data obtained testify that ultrasonic treatment of emulsions (that is done before mixing) result in sesquialteral increase of liquid necessary for mixing. Moreover, flour quality and temperature regime, alkalinity specifications for preparation of products are reduced, while water absorption grows. Treated invert syrup speeds up the making of simulated honey from it. The example of a printed spice-cake “Souvenir” shows that such honey used in the dough materially speeds up carbon dioxide absorption, plasticity, the dough for printed spice-cakes becoming convenient for molding by a new mode. As in dough intermediates bound moisture content has grown, it is interesting to study structural-mechanical characteristics of baked half-finished product «Spice-cake”, which was done by the device “Structurometr 1M”. Novelty distinguishes the experimental data: values of elastoplastic, viscous and relaxation characteristics in half-finished products were obtained. As a result of physical effect on invert syrup by cavitation and mechanical impact on dough by molding the texture of crumb becomes better, the best structuralmechanical properties being if molding lasts 3 seconds. The quality indices — specific volume and wetting ability — increase, while porosity decreases.
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Keywords: cavitation technology, ultrasonic unit, reagentless dough forming technology, wasteless molding technology, activated fluid products, cavitational ginger bread dough

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