Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
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MARCH 2010 (published: 01.03.2010)

Number 1(9)

Home > Issue > A mathematical model of a baking chamber as an object with lumped parameters

UDC 681.513.5

A mathematical model of a baking chamber as an object with lumped parameters

Danin V.B., Kirikov A.U.

The paper considers the development of a mathematical model for a tunnel-type baking chamber. The workers propose to represent the mathematical model of a baking chamber (an object) with distributed constants as that with lumped parameters. On the basis of the developed equivalent model with lumped parameters it is possible to formulate and give a solution for the problem of optimal stabilization of temperature conditions in a baking chamber.
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Keywords: baking chamber, a set of equations, mathematical model

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