Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

March 2022 (published: 29.03.2022)

Number 1(51)

Home > Issue > Theoretical substantiation for the application of electroactivated fluid in the technology of fats production

UDC 541.135/.135.5:665.2

Theoretical substantiation for the application of electroactivated fluid in the technology of fats production

Gorbacheva M.V., Tarasov V.E., Sapozhnikova Alla. I.

The work is devoted to scientific and methodological substantiation for the mechanism of adipose tissue destruction under the action of electroactivated fluid ions. The research objects were: internal and subcutaneous fat of an ostrich; the electrolyte obtained by electrolysis of water solution NaCl at a direct current strength of 0.5–0.6 A, voltage 36–50 V,mass fraction of NaCl 3–5%; the laboratory electrolyzer adapted to experimental conditions. Information on the use of electrochemical activation of water and solutions in various areas of industry and agriculture is given. The analysis of scientificand technical information in the field of technology for the fats of animal origin shows the lack of systematized knowledge about the regularities of processes under the action of ECA medium and theoretical foundations of the inter-ion energy interaction mechanism and its influence on the structural components of fatty tissue. The factors responsible for the degradation of the phospholipid molecule under the action of electroactivated fluid are described. One of them is related tothe adsorption of ions of an opposite charge by charged colloidal particles, as a result of which the particles lose their charges and ability for electrostatic repulsion, which leads to irreversible destruction of the solvate shell of the fat cell. It was shown that in order to obtain a catholyte with specified characteristics and to reduce the formation of molecular chlorine and hydrogen, a laboratory electrolyzer unit was used, the design of which includes two internal rod electrodes and an additional diaphragm dividing the interelectrode space into chambers. In this design of the electrolyzer unit, an aqueous NaCl solution dissociates into Na+ and Cl– ions, which move through the filter partitions to the corresponding electrodes where they meet the dissociated water ions H+ and OH–. Thus, during the electrolysis of aqueous sodium chloride solution, HCl is formed inthe anodic zone and NaOH in the cathodic zone. The proposed hypothesis of the mechanism of inter-ion energy interaction and its effect on the structural components of fat tissue formed the basis of theoretical provisions and practical evidence for the feasibility of using electroactivated fluid in the technology of obtaining fats.
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Keywords: cell plasmolysis; ostrich fat; catholyte; electrolyte; adipose tissue; solvate shell; destruction; electrolyzer

DOI 10.17586/2310-1164-2022-15-1-3-11

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