Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
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June 2021 (published: 15.06.2021)

Number 2(48)

Home > Issue > Influence of a consortium of microorganisms on the structural and mechanical properties of fermented curds for the production of soft fermented milk cheeses

UDC 637.352

Influence of a consortium of microorganisms on the structural and mechanical properties of fermented curds for the production of soft fermented milk cheeses

Kholobova Ksenia A., Anistratova Oksana V.

The influence of the microbial consortium of starter culture, including probiotic microflora, on the structural and mechanical characteristics of fermented curds used for the production of soft fermented milk cheeses was investigated in order to determine their rheological parameters, which makes it possible to further simulate the technological processes of production for this group of dairy products. The objects of the study were samples of milk clots obtained by fermentation of a normalized mixture by a consortium of microorganisms, including lactic acid cultures (Streptococcus salivarius sp. Thermophiles and Lactobacillus delbrueckii sp. bulgaricus) and propionic acid cultures (P.freudenreichii subsp. shermanii) in different proportions. The physicochemical parameters of the raw material and the normalized mixture were determined on Laktan 1-4 M analyzer, the end of the fermentation process was determined by fixing the titratable and active acidity, measured by conventional instrumental methods. The rheological characteristics of the test samples were determined using Brukfield DV-II + Pro rotational viscometer at the speeds of 5–100 s-1, spindle RV-3, at a clot temperature (20 ± 1)°C. Data were obtained on the effect of various pasteurization temperatures (75 ± 1)°C, (85 ± 1)°C, (95 ± 1)°C, as well as various ratios of lactic acid and propionic acid bacteria (1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, and 1:5) on the rheological properties of the obtained samples. The results of the effective viscosity of the objectsof study were analyzed, mathematical models of the rheological behavior of the samples were selected, the resulting clumps were classified according to their structure as pseudoplastic liquids, the regression equations for the dependences of the effective viscosity on the shear rate gradient were determined, the dependences of the rate of destruction of the clumpstructure were found, the rate of destruction of the structure was characterized, and the thixotropy of the clots was determined, which makes it possible to isolate clots with a smaller amount of coagulation-thixotropic bonds, which contributes to a better separation of whey during the production of fermented milk cheeses.
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Keywords: soft cheese; acid curd; effective viscosity; shear rate; thixotropy coefficient; rate of structure destruction

DOI 10.17586/2310-1164-2021-14-2-20-30

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