Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

June 2021 (published: 15.06.2021)

Number 2(48)

Home > Issue > Rheological properties of a feed mix with brown algae-based additive

UDC 66.083

Rheological properties of a feed mix with brown algae-based additive

Evtishin Ivan V., Shorstkii Ivan A.

The article presents a research of rheological characteristics for mixed fodder mass with an addition of mariculture of brown algae Phaeophyceae in the range of from 1 to 10%. Using a mathematical apparatus, a rheological model of the flow of the mixture under study was established. Presence of structure formation processes for mixed fodder mass was most clearly shown at high concentrations of crushed algae (>6%). It is established that the influence of the crushed algae mass concentration (from 1 to 4%) is characterized by the reduction of the limiting shear stress from 0.068 to 0.156 Pa, which results in the reduction of the load on the extrusion process. However, an increase in the concentration above 4% results in a sharp increase in the shear stress limit.
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Keywords: feed compound production; aqua additive; mariculture extrusion; rheology; algae

DOI 10.17586/2310-1164-2021-14-2-13-19

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