About the issue
2020 (published: 23.06.2020)
Number 2(44)
Addition of starch-derived sweeteners to a liqueur blend
Mamedov Edgar Ramazan ogly , Barakova N.V.
Keywords: liqueur production; nonsugarfree sweeteners; starch molasses; panel tasting
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
UDC 663.5
Addition of starch-derived sweeteners to a liqueur blend
Cherry dessert liqueur organoleptics were studied after preparing the liqueurs by the traditional recipe (i. e. with sugar syrup), with caramelized and high sugar molasses, and with glucose-fructose syrup. Panel evaluation placed the sensory qualities of high sugar molasses sweetened liqueur immediately next to the liqueur sweetened with sugar syrup. The remaining samples showed worse results. All liqueur samples used alcoholized cherry juice (25% alcohol by volume, 10.30 g∕100 cm3 of extract, 5.80 g∕100 cm3 of sugar, and 1.04 g∕100 cm3 of titrated acid) as the base ingredient. Every liqueur sample included 360 ml of alcoholized juice in its 1000 ml volume. Each sweetener dose was regulated by the relation of its extract and the extract needed to meet the recipe. According to the the calculations, 429 ml of sugar syrup (73.2% extract), 394 ml of caramelized molasses (78% extract), 394 ml of high sugar molasses (78% extract), and 439 ml of glucose-fructose syrup was added to the blends. All blends were finalized with 225 ml of Luxe rectified ethanol (96.2% alcohol by volume) and softened water to bring the volume to 1000 ml. The samples prepared had the following parameters: 30% of alcohol by volume, 46.6 g∕100 cm3 of extract, 45.0 g∕100 cm3 of sugar in the sample sweetened with sugar syrup; 41.5 g∕100 cm3 of sugar in the sample sweetened with molasses; 46.0 g∕100 cm3 of sugar in the sample sweetened with glucose-fructose syrup. Organoleptic properties were evaluated by five panelists on a tenscore scale. Sugar sweetened liqueur was positioned first (score 9.4), followed by the samples with high sugar molasses (9.0), caramelized molasses (8.4), and glucose-fructose syrup (8.4). Kendalľs concordance coefficient of the evaluation was 0.78. According to the results, high sugar starch molasses should be recommended for use as a sweetener in liqueur blends.
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Keywords: liqueur production; nonsugarfree sweeteners; starch molasses; panel tasting
DOI 10.17586/2310-1164-2020-10-2-41-48

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License