Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

2019 (published: 11.06.2019)

Number 2(40)

Home > Issue > On the issue of vibration displacement with non-harmonic oscillations of the working surface

UDC 621.928: 664.7(045)

On the issue of vibration displacement with non-harmonic oscillations of the working surface

Vasiliev A.M. , Bredikhin S.A. , Andreev V.K.

In the article it is theoretically justified and proved that the cause of the onset of vibration displacement as an average movement of a material particle relative to a horizontal, horizontally oscillating uniformly rough surface is the asymmetry of the law of surface oscillations, which is expressed in the inequality of the intervals between alternating positive and negative ones – positive extremes of acceleration of the oscillating surface. In the case in question the duration of the interval between positive and negative extremes is twice the duration of the subsequent interval between negative and positive extremums of acceleration. This difference in the intervals between alternating positive – negative – positive acceleration extremes alternately is called temporary asymmetry of the law of oscillations of the working surface. Thus, the article reveals a physical mechanism and establishes a type of asymmetry of the system, causing vibration transport of individual bodies or bulk material along a horizontal uniformly rough plane, performing horizontal non-harmonic oscillations that are characterized by equality of the absolute values of the extremum accelerations in opposite directions.
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Keywords: separation equipment; grain processing; vibration movement; vibration transportation; non-harmonic oscillations; dimensionless analogue of the driving force; dimensionless resistance to movement.

DOI 10.17586/2310-1164-2019-12-2-42-48

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