About the issue
November 2015 (published: 27.11.2015)
Number 4(26)
Carbon dioxide scrubbing efficiency
Pronin V.A., Priluzkii A. A., Dolgovskaya O.V., Podbolotova T.E.
Keywords: packed bed wet scrubber, porous polymer-type packing, carbon-dioxide absorption, power requirements.
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UDC 628.52
Carbon dioxide scrubbing efficiency
The article deals with theoretical and experimental analysis of carbon-dioxide absorption efficiency in packed bed wet scrubbers. Polymer-type porous body is used as packing; LiOH andNaOHare used as liquid reagents. Consumption power requirements for 1 m3 of carbon dioxide for given types of oxidizing agent and its optimum concentration is estimated.The data can be used in absorption system design.
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Keywords: packed bed wet scrubber, porous polymer-type packing, carbon-dioxide absorption, power requirements.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License