Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

November 2015 (published: 27.11.2015)

Number 4(26)

Home > Issue > Investigation of the sterilization process of canned products for further automation

UDC 664.8.036.262

Investigation of the sterilization process of canned products for further automation

Mokrushin S.A. , Ohapkin S.I., Khoroshavin V.S.

Provides the analysis of the technological process of sterilization of canned food , describes typical performance devices for sterilization, analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of different types of sterilizers , the urgency of the effective implementation of batch sterilizers , proposed structure of the automated process control system of sterilization of canned food sterilizers in batch . The introduction ofautomatic regulation and control of the parameters of the sterilization process will dramatically reduce the amount of defective products, reduce the time of exposure to the elevated temperature of the product, reduce power consumption, as well as reduce the number of staff and the impact of human factors on the process parameters.
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Keywords: autoclave; sterilization of canned food; formula of sterilization; technological process; quality of production; control system; automation; programmed logic controller.

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