Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

November 2015 (published: 27.11.2015)

Number 4(26)

Home > Issue > Numbers of similarity at the processes of fish drying, smoking and frying

UDC УДК 664.8: 95 + 66-93

Numbers of similarity at the processes of fish drying, smoking and frying

Alexander M. Ershov, aaaaaaaaaa, Pokholchenko V.A.

The article describes important for the food industry problem of creating the possibility of analytical engineering of rational regimes of raw material processing by frying, drying, cold-, semi-hot- and hot smoking, and also optimizing the thermal equipment operating. There are described the theoretical presuppositions of the possibility of generalizing and founding the similarity of raw materials dehydration processes. The regularities of heat treatment processes of different species and size-mass dimensions fish at different technological regimes are deeply studied by authors. The absence of these regularities highly complicates the choice of optimal regimes of raw material heat treatment, designing modern units or improving available thermal equipment. The factors that influence the changing of structure and material properties, also inhibiting of dehydration processes are stated there. There presented the dehydration rate dependence of fish chemical composition, geometric dimensions and regime parameters of researching processes. A significant amount of experienced material is generalized on the basis of dimensionless similarity. The using of dimensionless simplex allowed detecting a row of simple mathematical models describing the studied phenomena. The generalized kinetic of fish dehydration and the generalized dynamic models of moisture diffusion coefficients are founded. The generalized mathematical models, combined with empirically derived equations open the unique possibility of calculating fish kinetics and dynamics of dehydration, designing the rational regimes of industrial equipment operating.
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Keywords: dehydration; drying; smoking; frying; moisture diffusion; critical moisture; operating parameters; generalized dependence; similarity number; dimensionless simplex.

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