Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

Июнь 2015 (published: 29.05.2015)

Number 2(24)

Home > Issue > Physicochemical properties and thermothysical characteristics of common nettle leaves’ extracts

UDC 663.44

Physicochemical properties and thermothysical characteristics of common nettle leaves’ extracts

Savenko A.V. , Gritsenko V.V. , Sorokopud А.F.

The use of extracts of natural origin in food production is becoming increasingly important. Natural substances have low toxicity and high biocompatibility. There is rising interest in food products with natural supplements in many countries, including Russia. The extraction is one of the most effective ways to produce useful substances, contained in the plant material. The concentration of the essence allows to solve a number of problems, such as transportation, storage, loading, unloading and its dosing into the product. However, the process of concentrating on an industrial scale requires data on the physicochemical and thermal properties of the extracts. First of all, they are necessary for the determining the most efficient modes of anevaporator, as this can reduce the energy consumption for the producing of the finished product. It invariably affects its cost and the calculation of the metering, pumping and piping equipment. The work contains the research results of the effects of temperature and the concentration of dry matter on the physicochemical properties (density, viscosity, surface tension) and thermal characteristics (thermal conductivity, specific heat) of common nettle leaves’ extract produced using the most widespreadresearch methods in experimental practice. Thereceived data are presented in the form of diagrams and discovered dependences are analyzed. We have got multiple regression equations describing the change of physicochemical properties and thermal characteristics of the extracts in a wide range of temperatures and dry matter content. The produced data form the necessary prerequisites for the industrial nettle leaves recycling as a source of biologically active substances.
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Keywords: nettle leaf extract, density, viscosity, surface tension, thermal conductivity, specific heat.

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