Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
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Июнь 2015 (published: 29.05.2015)

Number 2(24)

Home > Issue > Application of sodium ascorbate in the food industry and the comparative characteristic of two ways of its manufacture

UDC 661.831.74

Application of sodium ascorbate in the food industry and the comparative characteristic of two ways of its manufacture

Novinyuk L.V.

One of perspective ingredients in the food industry, which having not only processing behavior, but also vitamin activity, is the sodium ascorbate (a food additive E301). It can be used in products which are recommended for people who has intolerance of the vitamin C. Effect of sodium ascorbate is reached by its antioxidatic properties. The article describes the technology for producing sodium ascorbate. At the first stage receive the solution, containing a sodium ascorbate, then separate a main product. It is proposed to separatie a sodium ascorbate from solution by isothermal crystallization or sedimentation with ethanol. The main technological moments of two ways of receiving the sodium ascorbate are considered. The analysis of merits and demerits of these ways is given. Both offered ways provide high yield and receiving sodium ascorbate, which comply with the requirements of the technical documentation.
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Keywords: sodium ascorbate, food additive, antioxidant, crystallization, manufacture, domestic technology.

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