Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

March 2015 (published: 27.02.2015)

Number 1(23)

Home > Issue > Modern research trends and technical solutions for the intensification of the process of freeze-drying in the food industry, pharmaceutical production and Applied Biotechnology (Part 1)

UDC 66.01:532

Modern research trends and technical solutions for the intensification of the process of freeze-drying in the food industry, pharmaceutical production and Applied Biotechnology (Part 1)

Semenov G. V., Bulkin M.S., Kuzenkov A.V.

Energy-saving trend reflects global trends of development of processing industries, including food and pharmaceutical industries. The function of this review article is to assess the current state and selection of promising areas of research in order to intensify and improve the energy efficiency of freeze-drying and reduce the cost of production of dried products, as well as improve their quality in the food industry sectors of applied biotechnology and manufacturing drugs. The article presents the first part of the review of contemporary research areas, as well as technical solutions based on them in the field of energy efficiency and intensification of freeze-drying in a variety of industries. Work performed under the grant № 14.577.21.0044 "The development of new energy-saving technologies and processes for the vacuum freeze-drying a wide range of heat-sensitive materials, building on their basis of pilot sample drying device for the food industry and Applied Biotechnology" (identification number RFMEF157714X0044).
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Keywords: freeze drying, vacuum dehydration, intensification, heat transfer, mass transfer, energy efficiency.

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