Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

March 2015 (published: 27.02.2015)

Number 1(23)

Home > Issue > The relationship between discrete dosing parameters and dynamic characteristics of the mixer

UDC 621.929

The relationship between discrete dosing parameters and dynamic characteristics of the mixer

Ratnikov S.A. , Shushpannikov A.B. , Shushpannikov E.A., Ivanets G.E.

In continuous mode of operation, with adecreaseof the ingredient proportion in the total bulk composition weight, some difficulties arise in its continuous feeding to the mixer.In thiscase, it’s advisable to change over to its discrete dosing, carried out with the help of cup dispensers. But there is a limit on the amount of measuring tanks caused by the instability of their filling and emptying. Therefore, with further decrease in predetermined flow rate, the pulse repetition period increases, which in turn leads to the need to increase the smoothing ability of the mixer. The latter is achieved either by increasing the working volume of the machine, or its properties approach, by some means, to the model of the "ideal mix". The relationshipbetween dynamic characteristics of the continuous bulk material mixer and the pulse parameters generated by the discrete dispenser are considered in the article. It is shown that their repetition period should be shorter than the average particle residence time. The results canbe useful in various sectors of the economy for the design of devices and processes for production of bulk compositions.
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Keywords: continuous mixer, discrete dosing, bulk material, the average residence time.

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