About the issue
June 2014 (published: 01.06.2014)
Number 2(20)
Calculation of a steam branch of a line
of saturation r218 in mathcad
Rykov S.V., Kamotskii V.I., Rykov V.A.
Keywords: line of phase equilibrium, steam, density, supercritical fluid, critical coefficients.
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UDC 536.71
Calculation of a steam branch of a line
of saturation r218 in mathcad
On the basis of Clausius-Clapeyron equation and the scale theory of critical phenomenas the equation featuring a steam branch of a curve of coexistence is developed. On the basis of the offered equation properties R218 in a gamut of temperatures from a threefold point to the critical are calculated. For an estimate of calculation accuracy on the presented equation diversions from experimental data and the table with the calculated values of temperature, densities, "apparent" warmth of steam formation and pressure on a liquid branch of a line of phase equilibrium are given. The gained equation can find application at calculation of cycles of refrigerating and cryogenic technics, for an estimate of economic and ecological efficiency of new refrigerating agents and supercritical fluids. The separate attention is given advantages of calculation of density on a liquid branch of a line of phase equilibrium in package MathCAD. In article all necessary data for practical use of the gained equation is cited.
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Keywords: line of phase equilibrium, steam, density, supercritical fluid, critical coefficients.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License