Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
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June 2014 (published: 01.06.2014)

Number 2(20)

Home > Issue > The influences of strong electrolytes salts to hydration and isoelectric point of proteins

UDC 637.5

The influences of strong electrolytes salts to hydration and isoelectric point of proteins

Murashev S.V., Kostrova M.G.

The action of strong electrolytes on proteins causes effects of physical-chemical and biochemical character, which are interrelatedwith each other closely, because they are conditioned by interaction between proteins and ions. Particularities of interaction between protein and ions, having equal ion charge, for example ion Na+ and K+, are determined by surface density of ion charge. Because of more surface density of sodium ion charge more dense and stabile hydration shell forms around them. It impedes electric attraction of sodium ions to negative charged groups on surface of protein. And potassium ions with weak hydration shell have an aptitude to attract to opposite charged groups of protein much better. Due to different aptitude of ions to attract to opposite charged groups isoelectric point of protein moves out. Isoelectric point of protein moves out to acid direction in presence of NaCl, isoelectric point of protein moves out to alkaline direction in presence of KCl.
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Keywords: strong electrolytes, ionic radius, surface density of ion charge, hydration of proteins, isoelectric point.

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