About the issue
June 2014 (published: 01.06.2014)
Number 2(20)
The improvement of the cakes’ technology based on the rye flour
Kuznetsova L.I., Surmach E.M.
Keywords: cakes, new kinds of raw materials, emulsifier, improvement of production technology.
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UDC 664.681.9
The improvement of the cakes’ technology based on the rye flour
The disadvantages of the cakes are unbalanced chemical composition, as well as a long process of preparation caused by prolonged whipping of the recipe components. The results of studies to reduce technological cycle of the cakes’ production are presented in the paper, that is possible by using new kinds of raw materials and emulsifier, the necessity of its using is scientifically proved. The data on the effect of different dosages of emulsifier on the whipped mass’s density and the duration of its whipping, specific volume and friability of finished products are obtained. According to the results of a comprehensive analysis of indicators of quality rational dosage of the emulsifier is selected. The technology of the cakes’ production on the chemical baking powder using new kinds of raw materials (rye flour, malt extract, vegetable oil, additive containing omega-3 fatty acids) reducing the duration of the technological process more than doubled compared with the traditional production technology is improved. According to the results of the researchapplication for a patent of the Russian Federation “The method of the cake’s production” is filed.
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Keywords: cakes, new kinds of raw materials, emulsifier, improvement of production technology.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License