March 2025 (published: 13.03.2025)
Number 1(63)
The journal is published by ITMO University (St. Petersburg)
The journal has been published since 2006. It started as a collection of research papers, and since 2008 it was published as a scientific serial entitled “St. Petersburg University of Refrigeration and Food Technology Scientific Journal. Processes and Food Production Equipment”. ITMO University (St. Petersburg) became its publisher in 2013. Since then the journal has been published under the title Processes and Food Production Equipment.
The journal is registered by Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications, the certificate of registration being EL № FS 77–55245 dated 04.09.13.
Scientific Journal Processes and Food Production Equipment publishes articles concerning the following research fields:
Food Technologies;
Automation and Control of Technological Processes and Production (in Food Industry);
Biotechnology (including biotechnology).
The journal is published quarterly at
In 2016 Scientific Journal Processes and Food Production Equipment got its own DOI-prefix – 10.17586/2310-1164. Starting from March 2016 issue (№1) DOI (digital object identifier) is assigned to every article published thus contributing citation and information retrieval results in the world’s scientific community.
The journal is included in AGRIS (Agricultural Research Information System) database and is considered to be included into the list of recommended peer-reviewed journals in which main results of future PhD and Doctoral theses should be published.
The journal is indexed by Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) and all articles are subsequently available at
All articles are indexed by CyberLeninka repository of scientific articles and GoogleSchcolar.
The journal is included in Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory. Ulrich's Periodicals Directory by The American Publishing House Bowker is the biggest data based ealing with science and popular journals in all fields of knowledge.
The journal deals with the following research problems:
- Dependence of food industry processes on chemical, biochemical, radiochemical, and microbiological changes in raw materials and food.
- The use of applied mechanics methods (hydrodynamics, physical-chemical mechanics, rheology and other branches of mechanics) in the improvement of food industry possesses and equipment.
- The composition and properties of raw materials and the achievement the desired quality characteristics of meat, fish and dairy products, their refrigerated processing andstorage.
- The technologies of cold processing, refrigerated storage, and handlingof food (including the use of cryogenic methods).
- Concepts and methods of molecular biology, genetic engineering, applied biotechnology, and food chemistry in their application to food technology.
All publications are free.